HOME Support

For the general information and technical support please send an e-mail to

Your email will be replied almost immediately if you are in EST time zone or in the few hours later.
Voice mails will be answered 24 hrs later.
In your e-mail please include the following information:

1. The installed dialer software version & release number (how to find it out click here )
2. Name of operational system (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, etc.)

However, before contacting us, please try to find an answer to your question in the manual accompanying the software and/or check theFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ)  General  and the dialer specific FAQ section.

Also, please update to the latest version. It is quite likely that the problem you have has been already solved.
If you require the special assistance going well beyond standard support, there is a minimum charge of $35 per half an hour

To pay for it please click here:  Buy now with PayPal


For sales call: 416.234.0553    voice mail

Please do not call with your problems.
The free technical support is mainly by email, paid for technical support is answered by phone or by email (your choice).
To obtain the full technical support please use the test file: http://www.phonedialerpro.com/faq.htm#test
to generate the TapiLog catching the problems you may have, attach the log to your email and please include the description of the problems you have.


(dialer's icon should be visible in SysTray and "Enable 'Copy' as a Dial command" option selected.)

Questions?  Special requests? Please click
We have selected modems (new and used) for sale and can assist with the modem installation.


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Last revised: March 23, 2021